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Ten moduł jest w stadium EKSPERYMENTALNYM. Oznacza to, że zachowanie tych funkcji, ich nazwy, w zasadzie wszystko udokumentowane tutaj może zostać zmienione w przyszłych wersjach PHP bez wcześniejszego uprzedzenia. Używaj tego modułu na własne ryzyko. |
This documentation is not finished yet. Don't start to translate it or use it as a programming reference (steinm@php.net).
These functions are only available if PHP was configured with --with-dom=[DIR], using the GNOME xml library. You will need at least libxml-2.2.7 These functions have been added in PHP 4.
The extension allows you to operate on an XML document with the DOM API. It also provides a function xmltree() to turn the complete XML document into a tree of PHP objects. Currently this tree should be considered read-only - you can modify it but this would not make any sense since dumpmem() cannot be applied to it. Therefore, if you want to read an XML file and write a modified version use the add_node(), set_attribute(), etc. and finally dumpmem() functions.
This module defines the following constants:
Tabela 1. XML constants
Constant | Value | Description |
XML_ELEMENT_NODE | 1 | Node is an element |
XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE | 2 | Node is an attribute |
XML_TEXT_NODE | 3 | Node is a piece of text |
XML_ENTITY_NODE | 6 | Node is an entity like |
XML_PI_NODE | 7 | Node is a processing instruction |
XML_COMMENT_NODE | 8 | Node is a comment |
XML_DOCUMENT_NODE | 9 | Node is a document |
Each function in this extension can be used in two ways. In a non-object oriented way by passing the object to apply the function to as a first argument, or in an object oriented way by calling the function as a method of an object. This documentation describes the non-object oriented functions, though you get the object methods by skipping the prefix "domxml_".
This module defines a number of classes, which are listed — including their properties and method — in the following table.
Tabela 2. DomDocument class (methods)
Method name | Function name | Description |
root | domxml_root() | |
children | domxml_children() | |
add_root | domxml_add_root() | |
dtd | domxml_intdtd() | |
dumpmem | domxml() | |
xpath_init | xpath_init | |
xpath_new_context | xpath_new_context | |
xptr_new_context | xptr_new_context |
Tabela 3. DomDocument class (attributes)
Name | Type | Description |
doc | class DomDocument | The object itself |
name | string | |
url | string | |
version | string | Version of XML |
encoding | string | |
standalone | long | 1 if the file is a standalone version |
type | long | One of the constants in table ... |
compression | long | 1 if the file is compressed |
charset | long |
Tabela 4. DomNode class (methods)
Name | PHP name | Description |
lastchild | domxml_last_child() | |
children | domxml_children() | |
parent | domxml_parent() | |
new_child | domxml_new_child() | |
get_attribute | domxml_get_attribute() | |
set_attribute | domxml_set_attribute() | |
attributes | domxml_attributes() | |
node | domxml_node() | |
set_content() | domxml_set_content |
Poprzedni | Spis treści | Następny |
rewinddir | Początek rozdziału | xmldoc |