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Input/Output and Networking

These classes are used to handle input and output to and from external devices, processes, files etc. as well as manipulating files and directories.

QAbstractFileEngineAbstraction for accessing the filesystem
QAbstractFileEngineHandlerWay to register custom file engines with your application
QAbstractSocketThe base functionality common to all socket types
QBufferQIODevice interface for a QByteArray
QClipboardAccess to the window system clipboard
QDataStreamSerialization of binary data to a QIODevice
QDirAccess to directory structures and their contents
QFileInterface for reading from and writing to files
QFileInfoSystem-independent file information
QFtpImplementation of the FTP protocol
QHostAddressIP address
QHostInfoStatic functions for host name lookups
QHttpImplementation of the HTTP protocol
QHttpHeaderHeader information for HTTP
QHttpRequestHeaderRequest header information for HTTP
QHttpResponseHeaderResponse header information for HTTP
QIODeviceThe base interface class of all I/O devices in Qt
QImageReaderFormat independent interface for reading images from files or other devices
QImageWriterFormat independent interface for writing images to files or other devices
QMacMimeMaps open-standard MIME to Mac flavors
QNetworkProxyNetwork layer proxy
QPictureIOParameters for loading and saving pictures
QProcessUsed to start external programs and to communicate with them
QSettingsPersistent platform-independent application settings
QSignalMapperBundles signals from identifiable senders
QSocketNotifierSupport for monitoring activity on a file descriptor
QTcpServerTCP-based server
QTcpSocketTCP socket
QTemporaryFileI/O device that operates on temporary files
QTextIStreamConvenience class for input streams
QTextOStreamConvenience class for output streams
QTextStreamConvenient interface for reading and writing text
QUdpSocketUDP socket
QUrlConvenient interface for working with URLs
QUrlInfoStores information about URLs
QWindowsMimeMaps open-standard MIME to Window Clipboard formats

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Qt 4.1.3